Nan's Bear Hug

Plush Bears by Nancy L. Bax

Plush Bears (46K)

Soft, tan coloured plush with wool paw pads. Soft stuffed, non-jointed and floppy legged for huggability. Pellet filled feet, paws and bottoms for ease of sitting. Legs hang down when on shelf edge. Brightly coloured vest is either male or female styled and can be special ordered to suit the new bear owners interests.

Boys in the Back Row:

   Walter Jr.               Nathan Jr.                Benjamin Jr.
   19"  $64.US    	    17"  $62.US               14"  $60.US
   #32 vest material	    #1 vest material	      #10 vest material
   Ltd Ed 40                Ltd Ed 40                 Ltd Ed 40

Girls in the Front Row:

   Amy                      Jonilee                   Vanessa
   19"   $64.US             17"  $62.US               14"  $60.US
   #42 vest material	    #26 vest material	      #55 vest material
   Ltd Ed 40                Ltd Ed 40                 Ltd Ed 40

(Named in Honour of my Children and my sister Joni Davey)

Prices do not include postage, handling and taxes (where applicable).
Please email me if you have any questions, comments or wish to order,
Copyright © 1998 Nan's Bear Hug, All rights reserved.